
I am a software engineer that loves to build web apps, and learning about design. Currently working on Lifecycle ✈️


For any sort help / enquiry, shoot me an email and I will get back. I promise.

Job Opportunities

I am looking for a job currently, If you see me as a good fit, check my Resume and I would love to work for you.

Social Links

I have been involved in technology since middle school when I started hacking and breaking down my PSP, and android device. Mostly worked on hardware which is why I started on the path of networking.

I started tinkering more with scripts and HTML, CSS when I was learning C# but everything that i learned I used it to modify scripts to automate almost all my repetitve task on my phone, and laptop..

Now those days are gone and I have come far to being quite comfortable with Javascript, and Python after dozens of reddit and stack overflow explainers...

Tech Stack

Programming Languages: Javascript, Python, Solidity, Typescript, SQL, R, C++.

Web front-end: Nextjs, React, Tailwind-CSS, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, SASS, Syled-Components, CHAKRA-UI, Daisy-UI.

Web back-end: Nextjs, Nodejs, Expressjs, Etherjs, Django.

Testing: Jest, Cypress, Storybook.

Mobile: React-Native.

Desktop: Electron.

Databases: MYSQL, MongoDB, Google Firestore.

Design tools: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Figma, Procreate.

Other tools: Unix Shells (Bash/zsh), Wireshark, SPSS, Git, Github, AWS, Google Cloud, Firebase, Vercel, Nmap, GNS3, Docker, Heroku, Notion, VMWare, Tableau.

Human Langagues: English (Fluent), Spanish (Fluent/Native), French (intermediate).

Programming languages Ronny KnowsLibraries and frameworks Ronny KnowsInfraestructures tools Ronny KnowsDesigning tools Ronny Knows